Tuesday, June 30, 2015

God's Kingdom Comes in Nepal

"For God so loved the world..."
Kendall saw the power of that love first-hand in Nepal just two weeks ago: "This week, I left a part of my heart on the steps of the bright blue house...in the hands of Kashi Harayan Kukhiya, the retired 67-year-old professor who had lost both of his legs to cancer. After sharing the Creation to Christ story, Kashi and I talked for hours about his life, as well as the many different groups that had come to tell him many 'good things' about their gods. He told how his head is full of knowledge and how he has tried worshiping many idols and then asked me, 'But why should I believe in your Jesus above all the other gods?' I closed my eyes, and in that moment, the truth of the gospel became so real in my own life. I opened my eyes and released the stream of sweet tears that now streaked my cheeks. With eyes locked on Kashi's, the rest of the world melted away and all I could muster was 'because I know in my heart that Jesus loves me...' When God had said everything He needed to say, Kashi scooted closer to me and took my hands into his, fresh tears glossing his own eyes as he whispered, 'This is what all the others were missing...love.' I was overwhelmed by the sweetness of the moment as he spoke the words that changed eternity forever, 'I saw Jesus in your eyes today and you have shown me how bright my life can be. I, too, want to follow Jesus as the one true God of my life.'"

For months we prayed that prayer and asked you to as well, as we knew we had just days to find the Teli, the unengaged people group we were trying to engage in Nepal with the gospel. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." The truth of  James 5:16 was evident through you! Dhani and Dilip, both Teli men, were the FIRST two acquaintances that Cathy and her team made Monday morning in Tanaman village. God was at work because these two Hindu menimmediately upon hearing the gospel professed Christ as their Lord and Savoir and invited Cathy to return the next day for Bible study! Daily, they gathered people to join them in their homes for discipleship and several had come to Christ, including Dilip's wife. By Friday, the men joined their home groups into one gathering at Dilip's home where his brother and two nephews received Christ and as they did, Cathy shared that "Dilip clapped his hands and tears streamed down his face" as the seeds were planted for the first Teli house church in Nepal!

Healing for the Spirit, Heart and Body
Terrance shares how God showed off in Nepal: "On Wednesday, 26-year-old Sumyo walked into our discipleship meeting on her hands--yes, her hands, because her legs didn't work and she had no wheelchair. I saw her from afar and remembered a word from the Lord--'Look for the lowest of the low.' She sat at the back of the group on the tarp, but then we called her to the the front. We found out she was run over by a motorcycle 14 years earlier, and because of it she had a lot of unforgiveness in her heart. After she forgave the man who hurt her, she accepted Jesus into her life! Then I watched the Holy Spirit heal her legs. It was thought-shifting excitement. To know that I have the power of the Holy Spirit within me makes me more determined to live it out. Sumyo's countenance was the most beautiful countenance I've seen in my life. God changed her heart...and mine." 

Counting by Numbers 
Next month, we plan to share more stories of the Nepalese impacted by your partnership, but in the meantime, here's the big picture:26 discipleship groups/house churches started heard God's story from creation to Christ      
127 professions of faith     
106 new believers trained to share their faith

To God be the glory! 

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