Thursday, November 15, 2012

God Went Before Us in Kenya

By Terri Mehrguth
Director, e3 Legacy

God used the prayers and e3 Legacy team's participation to abundantly bless the people in Isiolo, Kenya, with the saving message of Jesus Christ.  The outreach in Isiolo was both effective and strategic in this heavily Muslim area.  A total of 426 people became followers of Jesus Christ with almost 400 of them being discipled daily in homes and at afternoon Bible studies!  Not only that, four new churches were started, all to the glory of God!

I spent two unforgettable hours each day meeting with Mousa and Ralia, a young Muslim couple who were seeking truth.  After receiving the New Testament, Raila said her husband stayed up until 2am reading it. Clearly, God is drawing them to Himself. On the last day, after getting to know this sweet couple, Terri expressed to them she believed God would use them in a powerful way in their community to teach others about Jesus once they profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I wish you could have seen the joy on their faces when Terri encouraged them with her words. They are continuing to study the Bible with the new pastor in their village, and bringing other Muslims with them. Please pray for their salvation.

Kelvin was brought up in a Christian home.  After becoming a Muslim two years ago, he left Islam a few months ago because “there was no spirit,” and then committed hi life to Christ. One of our team members, Mony, shared with him what the Koran has to say about Jesus. He was shocked and proceeded to share that information with his classmates, who are 98% Muslim.  Kelvin’s mother also learned how to share with Muslims using the Koran. Mony encouraged them both that God had a ministry for them with Muslims. Because of you, we were able to equip these Christians to be more effective witnesses in Kambi Ya Juu.  By the way, 60 adults and dozens of children attended the first church service in the village.  To God be the glory!

Helen Fatuma, a young Muslim woman, stopped in at a neighbor’s house just when our team member Sravani was sharing the gospel with the Evangecube. As Sravani left, Helen followed her out and said she was a Christian, but was backslidden.  Her family was unaware that she believed that she was a Christian, which is why she continued to dress as a Muslim. As Sravani spoke with her, it became apparent that she hadn’t understood about forgiveness of sin. Helen went on to place her faith in Jesus alone for her salvation. Sravani and her Kenyan team member began discipling her that day.  The joy Helen’s face could not be contained as she came each day to the pastor’s home to be discipled.

No only did God heal the spiritually lost, but he also healed the physically hurting.  After Julius, a tall man unable to walk for five years after suffering a stroke, received Christ on Monday.  17 year-old Kaylee prayed that God would heal him.  By Tuesday, he walked to the afternoon Bible study, giving all the Glory to god!  Helen Fatuma had been suffering with kidney problems and was healed after coming to Christ.  God will do whatever He wants when He wants to validate the Good News and establish His church!

As we go on mission, pray for those we seek to reach, and give of our time and resources, don't underestimate the huge contribution you are making to God’s kingdom.

We love you, 

Andreas, Terri, Garrett & Jordan

• Learn more about e3 Legacy HERE.
• Ready to GO on mission?  Find upcoming e3 Legacy trip HERE.
• Do you have questions?  Email Terri HERE.