Last January, God made it clear that Andreas and I were to share His love in Nepal this last June and then early August, so we did. For the August expedition, He provided a team of 30 Americans, ages 12-61, for us to train in sharing His truth and how to gather new believers and seekers to start what will become house churches. Because God knew that there would be earthquakes and then political challenges before He called us, we had peace about the challenges we faced. While we were prevented from going out to our seven villages on Thursday, God used that time to send out on their own the nationals we had been training all week. This opportunity provided them with great confidence that they could continue this work once we left. God's mission went forth, even amidst obstacles, and He was glorified through our team and through your partnership in prayer and finances.
Here's a Big-Picture Glimpse of What God Did By the Numbers
21 Small Groups/House Churches Started
42 Discipleship Meetings Held
1,037 Heard God's Story from Creation to Christ
79 Chose to Follow Jesus
60 New Followers Trained to Share God's Story!
293 People Discipled
While 79 are committed to follow Christ and be discipled, approximately 200 more want to continue to meet to learn more about Jesus, so they can make a decision to follow Him or not! The door may be closing in Nepal soon, so thank you for being a part of this strategic work there. Read below about how God showed off in Nepal!
Never Too Old
Jason shares how he was impacted by God's goodness: "A group of six men and women sat in the courtyard of Bhikini's house. At 105 years old, Bhikini had decided to follow Jesus! Bhikini's daughter, herself in her 80s, had experienced torment and multiple times had interrupted Gospel conversations in the village. After prayer and displaying God's love, Bhikin's daughter also came to know Christ after Bhikini (at 105 years old!) shared the gospel with her using the evangecard and with assistance from our local Nepali brother, Rajkumar. The beauty of Christ's church was on full display. The old and the young. Men and women. As we headed out of the village for the last time on Friday afternoon, Rajkumar promised to return the next day 'to have the new babies in Christ gather to worship their Father." With those words, pray a movement is ignited." Jason already has plans to return to Nepal next July with e3 Legacy.
God's Healing Power Displayed
"The last day in our village, God directed us to soil ready for harvest. At this particular house, God healed a man suffering six days with stomach pain. Then He healed a boy with foggy eyes, and when we prayed, he saw white two times and could clearly feel God's presence. He was smiling non-stop, and although he didn't confess faith in God yet, he clearly was beginning to understand God's love and care for him. The first man healed, however, asked Jesus to forgive his sins, was trained to share the gospel, was discipled by the national with us, and was given a Bible. More than 20 people gathered and also witnessed healing, heard the gospel presented, and many are seeking God because of God showing His presence!" Lauren effectively trained her national to continue the work with these 20+ people and the others in the village.

Yes, It is Good News!
Caitlin was able to encourage a new family in Christ with the truth of God's word: "On Friday, I met with a 40-year-old man and his 15-year-old daughter and learned that his wife had died 13 years earlier, and this beautiful young girl had taken on the role of mother for the family. My national shared God's story from Creation to Christ, and the man said, 'This is good news and I want to follow Jesus!' We prayed a salvation prayer and the daughter said she also wanted to follow Jesus. The Lord pressed on my heart to read Proverbs 31 and pray it over her. This beautiful child of God now has another Father who loves her unconditionally and is always there for her. She had a cold, but God healed that as well as healing her spiritually."
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