Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Ilchamus--No Longer Unreached

God used our team of 25 people--high school students, some of their parents, a few Bible teachers, and several individuals--to share their story, God's story, pray for healing, and start house churches throughout nine Ilchamus villages. Many days we were met with the same phrase: "I have heard about God, but I know nothing about this Jesus." As we would share Jesus' great love story with them, He often used us to heal people, demonstrating that He is the one, true, living God.

Byron witnessed this healing power in Ruben's life: "On Monday, Ruben became a follower of Jesus, and then told me (Byron) he had been sick for over a year. He was scheduled to have surgery on Tuesday. We prayed for healing and he said he was feeling better. On Tuesday, Ruben went to his doctor appointment and the doctor confirmed that he was healed! No surgery was needed and Ruben was sent home. Ruben's wife, children, and mother all became followers of Jesus and rejoiced that Ruben was healed!"

Everyone serving in the field, even our translators, are impacted; we all grow as we serve God. Jeannette ministered to her translator all week and saw the fruit of her labor: "Jane, my translator, was a 19-year-old young lady, who lives near the village we worked in. She was really changed this week as God began to work on her heart. The training really inspired her. She said she was my student this week and learned so much. On Wednesday, my Kenyan co-worker and Jane worked in the village without me, and God used them mightily to start several discipleship groups! That night, Jane went home and shared Christ with her neighbors for the first time and is in the process of starting her own discipleship group with them! She has committed to continue the work in our village for one year, returning weekly to disciple and encourage the new followers of Jesus. Yeah, God!"

Not only did our translators and Christian co-workers become adept at sharing their faith, but also our American team members. Brody shares how God grew him powerfully: "Tuesday is when God revealed to me something that is so simple, but yet it was so clear that my life now needed to be lived in this way. Including Monday and Tuesday, I led close to 30 people into a relationship with Christ! By the end of Tuesday, I realized how many people desperately need Jesus and telling them about Him is SO MUCH EASIER than I would have ever thought. If you choose to step out of your comfort zone, and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you, God will give you the perfect opportunities to share about Him. The Ilchamus just needed to feel loved and valued by me and sharing the Gospel became so much easier to share. I learned that I shouldn't keep believing the lies that sharing with others about Christ is so difficult! Because it's not! It's just a matter of me being completely open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It was an amazing trip, and I know God will continue to reveal to me the things he taught me throughout the week."

Yes, Brody and the rest of the team shared with everyone they met in nine villages and God faithfully drew hundreds to Himself: 51 discipleship groups/house churches started

76 discipleship group/house church meetings  

898 heard God's story from creation to Christ      
657 professions of faith     
580 new believers trained to share their faith

To God be the glory! 

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