Terri & Andreas Mehrguth
e3 Legacy
During the recent election, many commentaries addressed
the debt that our future generations will incur. While people are legitimately concerned for our future
generations, personally we have hope because of children like McKenna (13),
Cassie (12), and Delaney (11). They know that prayer changes things; they
believe that no time is better than now to share the gospel with the lost, and
they understand that they can make a difference in people’s future, their
eternal future. Their young age doesn’t stop them; they recognize that they
have the same Holy Spirit to rely on as we “older people” do. It was so
inspiring to minister alongside these young girls and their fathers in the
Amazon basin this past June.
If you were one of the nearly 200 people who attended the
recent e3Legacy FILM FESTIVAL 2012, an event to honor God and to thank you for five
years of partnering with e3 Legacy by praying, giving, going, then you would
have seen the girls’ “praying” picture. The theme for the evening was “What
Moves You?” Well, what moves us is seeing our future generation going for it,
stepping out in boldness to share about God’s love. They’ve experienced the
power of God doing radical things through them, and they’re walking in
obedience to God’s call.
Something else that moves us is YOU!
We are humbled by what God has done through YOU to take
the story of His great love to 19 countries on 4 continents in 2012!
It is sobering to see the great need around the world.
Fortunately, the Lord calls us to just do our part in sharing His love story
with those who don’t know Him, yet. It’s a big task, but we only need to focus
on our part of this task. At e3 Legacy, our part is to give you opportunities
to pray for the harvest, give toward the harvest, and go to reap the
harvest. And in the past five
years, e3 Legacy has steadily increased—through your partnership—to bring in an
We truly are moved by what God has done and continues to
do. Clearly, God is working through e3 Legacy, and we desire to come alongside
Him and trust Him even more for His growth in helping families—families like
McKenna, Delaney, and Cassie’s— to be on mission with Him. briefly, this next
year’s ministry focus, aside from taking the gospel to the nations, includes
continuing to increase staff, to train more leaders, and to mobilize even more
North Americans to the field by developing partnerships with more churches and
partnerships with nationally-based family ministries into more countries in
2013. But before we’re in Dallas, we’ll be ministering again, this time in
Cambodia over New Year’s, with a team of 20, including McKenna, Delaney, and
their dad!
Help Carry the Momentum Into 2013!
Thank you for allowing us to share this journey of helping
families become Great Commission focused.
Please consider how you can help mobilize more people like
McKenna, Cassie, and Delaney, so that when they’re “all grown up” and dealing
with the repercussions over our country’s spending, they’ll have an eternal
focus as they navigate future challenges.
• Learn
more about e3 Legacy HERE.
• Ready
to GO on mission? Find upcoming e3
Legacy trip HERE.
• Do you have questions? Email Terri or Andreas.
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